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Game Design Canvas is a powerful tool to evaluate your game.
It will be your main deliverable from this course and during studying the theory you will learn how to improve each part of your's game design.
While doing that, you will get a deep understanding of what game design is and what it needs.
It will force you to think of all the aspects required for a game and it will not allow you to start working on an incomplete game. This will save you time, complexity and trouble!

Once you learn to master it, you can create your game's design concept in 20 mins and have it reviewed in a minute.
Game Design Canvas is used by studios and students.

  • The top row makes your pitch (green). 
  • The first column defines your target & market (blue).
  • The second and third column defines your commercial potential (yellow).
  • The fourth column defines your gameplay (grey).
Game Design Canvas small
Follow the tooptip links for guidance!
If you have membership to the site, you may save your canvas for later usage!

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